Thank you for your interest in becoming an Authorized Wholesale Healthcare Provider to receive wholesale account pricing with Nutraneeds! As a wholesale provider, you will have the opportunity to purchase Nutraneeds products at a special wholesale price point in order to resell these products to your patients through in your practice. To protect the integrity of our valued healthcare providers as well as our brand, we have established the following parameters for application approval:
Apply to Become an Authorized Wholesale Healthcare Provider
To become a Wholesale Healthcare Provider you must be a licensed or certified health professional in good standing and have a physical location with which to resell our products. We are very proud to have Nutraneeds recommended and supported by medical professionals. This approval process protects the integrity of the products as well as the providers ability to maintain a SRP for all patients. We look forward to working with you!
Note: Wholesale accounts will not be approved for personal use.
Are you a Healthcare provider with an active website and interested in adding a Nutraneeds shopping page to your site? We would love to help!
Please email marketing@nutraneeds.com and someone will reach out to begin the process!